Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Beneatha from "A Raisin In The Sun" POV

Do you think women deserve to be paid as much as men?
Women are no less than men. So even the idea that women should be paid less than men is outrageous. More often than not, a man with the same job and experience as a woman will be paid more. Yet the only big differences between men and women are hormones and body parts. 
Employers also think that all women will eventually take more time off if they become pregnant. But, not every women plan on having children. Even if they do decide to have children and start a family, that doesn't mean that they will quit later on to take care of their kids.  

It is wrong to think that all women will make the same decisions regarding work and family life. Every single woman is in a different situation from the next and will make different decisions. So why are employers lowering the pay of all women when they're all obviously doing different things with their lives? But if you asked them "Why?" they probably wouldn't have a solid, straight-forward answer. 

I feel like employees should be paid by the work they do. Your gender should not define how much work you can get done or how much you should get paid. What you complete while you're working is what you should get paid for. The fact that a gender determines how much you get paid is sickening. We don't have control over what gender we are born of. Women shouldn't be punished because they don’t have the same body parts and hormones as men. I believe that often, women work twice as hard as men because they feel like they need to prove themselves to male colleagues and employers. Men and women should be equal in every way possible. Women are not inferior to men and society should not be making us feel like we are. 
So yes, I do feel that women should be paid just as much as men.  

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